So in case you are looking for a power adaptor and go to market for a replacement just keep in mind to buy a good adaptor with 12V output and a minimum output current rating equal to the original adaptor's rating which is 1.5A (ampere). So when shopping just look for a compatible plug and rating 12V and minimum 1.5A (or minimum 12V, 18W).
Voltage x Current = Power (volt x ampere = watt)
12V x 1.5A = 18W
I had a 12V 2A adaptor handy at home from another product not in use so I am able to use it without any problem. There is one customer online from Qatar who reported that his replacement adaptor overheated and died within an hour of operation. That most likely happened because of a lower wattage adaptor 12V and less than 1.5A rating.
So just keep the voltage and current rating in mind when you use a replacement.
- Neeraj.
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